How to Hire Permanent Employees During Holiday Season


The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year and comes with a wide range of expenses. So, many people apply for seasonal jobs during this time to fund their holiday expenses. While some applicants make it clear that they are looking for a temporary position during their interview, others may choose not to disclose the fact to increase their chances of landing the job. So, how can you differentiate between the two when your company is looking to fill a permanent role?

Navigating applications and identifying a candidate’s future goals can take time during the holidays. The strategies outlined below can help you hire suitable candidates when you’re not looking to fill a temporary position during the holiday season.

Outline Job Nature & Responsibilities

If you write an unclear job description when advertising a vacancy in your company, applicants may find it difficult to determine if they are a suitable candidate for the job. To attract the right candidates to the posting, create a clear job description that outlines the position’s responsibilities and nature of the job. This will help filter candidates, as those unsuitable for the position may not apply.

Another way to attract the right candidates is by posting on niche job boards. A niche job board is typically industry-focused, allowing companies to post openings to targeted candidates. Although these job boards will have less traffic, they will feature higher quality and more relevant applications.

Create a Binding Contract

A binding contract is any agreement that’s legally enforceable. A general contract with no consequences, if broken, may not illustrate the position’s value to some candidates. Presenting a binding contract for executive positions allows you to take action if the applicant does not fulfill their end of the bargain.

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Work with a Recruitment Agency

A recruitment agency’s primary goal is to help businesses find and hire the best candidates for a vacant position. They often have an extensive database of qualified candidates that they can use when one of their clients posts a new job opening. Working with a recruitment agency will save you time and effort and reduce the risk of losses associated with hiring and training if you hire the wrong candidate.

Due to their experience, recruitment experts have the talent and skills to identify suitable candidates for a position. A reputable company will likely have a tried-and-tested hiring process that allows them to fill a position effectively. Inform the agency that you are looking for a candidate to fill a permanent position, and they will filter out candidates and find you someone accordingly. 

Wait Until After the Holidays to Finalize

Rushing the hiring process can result in wrong decisions. If you can wait a few days or weeks to fill the vacancy, consider waiting until the holidays to complete the last step in the hiring process. This will remove candidates who aren’t seeking a permanent position from the equation, as they may be unwilling to wait until after the holidays.

Hiring a permanent employee during the holiday season can take a lot of work. With so many people looking for seasonal or temporary positions, finding the right candidate is difficult. But this guide can simplify the process and help you attract the right applicants.

Originally posted 2022-12-05 09:32:35.

Denis Ava
Denis Ava
Denis Ava is mainly a business blogger who writes for Allbusinessreviews. Rather than business blogs he loves to write and explore his talents in other niches such as fashion, technology, travelling, finance, etc.

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