Five Things That Better Not To Do During The Hot Weather


Too hot weather can turn from heavenly delight into a serious health hazard. Here are 5 things that we do every day, but in the heat, it is forbidden both in the city and in nature. So you can take some amazing cool drinks and test your luck by joining the 22bet iOs app

Drink Coffee

The caffeine alkaloid contained in coffee speeds up metabolism and stimulates the work of internal organs, giving an additional load. And it’s not about whether you drink hot or cold coffee. Because of caffeine, the kidneys begin to work actively, quickly removing fluid from the body. Even the ones that cells need for normal functioning. And in the heat, it is vital for us when we are hot. We cool ourselves with sweat. Overheating and dehydration can lead to dizziness and even fainting. It is better to drink water, lemonade, or any soft drinks on a hot day. In Asia, hot green tea is preferred in such a situation. But this is a whole art and it is not strong and goes through several brewings.

Drink Alcohol

 In hot weather, the heart works with a load, and the pressure rises. Under the influence of alcohol, the diuretic effect increases, and the kidneys continue to remove precious fluid from the body. This is not enough for sweating. Impaired thermoregulation and dehydration can lead to loss of consciousness and heat stroke. Not to mention that when drunk, it will be difficult to understand how overheated you are.

Eat Salty And Sweet

 In the heat, an important rule works. If you can’t help, at least don’t interfere. Ensuring the normal functioning of the body in conditions of high temperatures is a difficult but doable task. Avoid direct sunlight, drink plenty of water and look for coolness. Eating too salty and sweet foods unbalances metabolic processes, disturbs the water balance, and puts a strain on the kidneys, which is especially dangerous on a hot day. Therefore, you should avoid pickles and a lot of ice cream with watermelons. At first, it seems that they help to cool down, but you definitely don’t need to overeat them.

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Exercise Hard

Heavy loads at air temperatures above 25 degrees do not add to our health, but vice versa. Again, there is a load on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs, as well as a greater fluid flow. In the heat, it is better to choose active recreation on the water, which cools the skin. And don’t forget the headgear.

Wear Synthetic

For the process of thermoregulation, it is important that the skin “breathe”. This means that sweat droplets that cool the skin should be released without hindrance. If for some reason, sweat cannot evaporate, then the mechanism will be broken, and there will be a risk of overheating. Therefore, clothes made of synthetic fabrics that do not allow air to pass through are dangerous in the heat – it creates a greenhouse effect and, conversely, heats us up. It is better to choose clothes made from natural fabrics or as “breathable” as possible.

Originally posted 2022-12-01 16:24:02.

Denis Ava
Denis Ava
Denis Ava is mainly a business blogger who writes for Allbusinessreviews. Rather than business blogs he loves to write and explore his talents in other niches such as fashion, technology, travelling, finance, etc.

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